About the nerd behind the site
I’m a chronically online art student who doesn’t know what they’re doing with their life half the time. I like nature, outdoor activities (ex. Fishing, if a game has a fishing mini game I’m most likely playing it), art (pretty jazzed about digital art. I started doing it around Feb of this year [2024], I like pretty stationary items (ex. Sticky Notes with cinnamoroll on them), and games! Some other stuff: Enby/ agender, He/they/any, Gemini, and I collect dead things. I’ve got some bones, and bugs I preserve.
games I like!
I’ve been watching videos of horror games since the first iphone came out. I would use my moms phone for unsupervised internet access so I can watch videos of killing floor or the gmod zombie videos. Since then I’ve been watching creators like pewdiepie, markiplier, manlybadasshero, alpha beta gamer, and more play horror games! A game I really like currently is GTFO, but the most hours I have on a game in steam is the binding of isaac. I wish I can put my really niche horror games I like in here, but after years of watching nonstop horror games I have too many to remember. I’m a indie horror game lovr
people I like to watch
Ngl as I put the pictures together they all kinda look the same huh /j Anyways, I mostly watch gameplay videos, commentary channels like pyrocynical, cooking channels (Gugafoods), and obv horror game channels. I followed a ton of them back in the day, but half of them grew up to have families like JohnWolfe. So, I mostly watch commentary channels like Codyko & Oompaville. Recently I’ve been watching some Ryan Trahan too.