about the clown-
Slug/Slime clown
Pronouns: they/them
Circus role: contact juggler
Fun fact/ general info: slugster uses their slime to keep objects on him while he ‘juggles’ them. He participates in the intermission shows. However, he primarily lends a ‘foot’ in backstage equipment and handling. His slime is a powerful adhesive.
about the clown-
Technology clown
Pronouns: any
Circus role: flag spinning, minor ringmaster role
Fun fact/ general info: they mostly handle all the tech in the circus to help with sound and lighting design. They work as the marketing director and keep excels for the finance department. If they performed in the show though. They handle flags and give messages during intermission.
about the clown-
Otherworldly clown
Pronouns: ve/vir/any
Circus role: chair balancing and cannonball catching.
Fun fact/ general info: after her ship caught a stray transmission from Screenster. She wanted to join the circus, so she offered her talent in telekinesis. She can move objects with her mind and use her strange powers to control herself (object manipulation or hold herself up as she balances atop a lot of stairs).
about the clown-
Sweet treats clown
Pronouns: sweet/her
Circus role: concessions helper, hooping, part of the ‘funtime gang’
Fun fact/ general info: when Sweetster isn’t handing out sweets at the concessions booth she is part of the intermission crew. She provides silly dances with her colorful hoops and performs shows for the younger audiences. The circus is meant for all ages, but kid shows (skits and acting) are still offered during intersession in case they don’t find the main acts to their liking.
about the clown-
Devil, game dev clown
Pronouns: he/him
Circus role: fire performance with firster and water performance with his bf (Angster)
Fun fact/ general info: summoned from the underworld and having to set aside his game sesh. Devster is a game dev devil that participates in the circus. When he isn’t helping with one of the main attractions he is in the back helping screenster with the multitude of technology elements for the circus.
about the clown-
Angel angler fish clown
Pronouns: any/ phim
Circus role: water performance with the ‘dive cast crew’
Fun fact/ general info: Angster is the main lead for the Dive Cast Crew which are aquatic performers that can do tricks underwater. He sometimes has his boyfriend help with the hoops or props/ be part of the performance depending how many stagehands are present that day.
about the clown-
Fire fighter clown
Pronouns: he/they
Circus role: fire performance for ‘Fiery Rock’ (fire performance + band)
Fun fact/ general info: He started the Fiery Rock band and leads it with a few other clowns in the circus. When he isn’t singing/ performing his music with his team he’s usually manipulating or fighting fire for the show.
about the clown-
Dinosaur clown
Pronouns: it/its
Circus role: rides a unicycle and jiggles + part of the fire band
Fun fact/ general info: Have you ever seen a dinosaur riding a unicycle? Maybe a tiny tricycle while juggling knives or meteorites he controls with his mind? Well that’s Dinoster for you! The meteor that was supposed to take him out instead gave him powers! And that's what he uses for the circus (from a main act called “Tiny and friends”).
about the clown-
Avian clown
Pronouns: she/her
Circus role: acro-dance performer
Fun fact/ general info: an acrobat performer with flipster. She can dance on tight ropes and perform beautiful performances in the air. Just make sure to watch your head because sometimes she drops an egg (free food. woohoo!).
about the clown-
Skeleton clown
Pronouns: he/him
Circus role: baton twirling using their bones
Fun fact/ general info: a corpse that became reanimated along with the posse of lackeys he totes around. Bonester is a bone clown who does a performance where he twirls his bones as ‘batons’, and he has some reanimated buddies to do the performance with him.